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Ael - 52 weeks. 52 songs.

Ael - 52 weeks. 52 songs.

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an original song every monday in 2018

end of rehearsal recording

live unedited no-cheating 

52 weeks. 52 songs.

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thank you to the magic makers 

jessica gonzalez  

j riley hill

jordan jackiew

52 weeks. 52 songs.


Half a century has crawled by, the continents have drifted further apart, and Ael has finally excavated enough of his long buried voice. Then he asked himself a question: Is it possible to start a songwriting career in one's 50s? To find the answer, he set up a live recording studio, figured out all the internet voodoo, convinced his wife Jessica Gonzalez to join the journey, and at age 52 started rehearsing some of his favorite songs he wrote over the previous few years.


On January 1, 2018, one song a week, Ael started recording and releasing demos of 52 original songs that echo his various incarnations: catholic altar boy, communist soldier, black market dealer, thief, immigrant, academic, psychologist, slam poet, arts organizer, radio columnist, playwright, canonist, father, songwriter.


Join Ael's journey of learning and experimentation. Subscribe @

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